Welcome to the Conference


Welcome to the official website for the 42nd Annual Big XII Conference on Black Student Government, hosted by the University of Missouri’s Legion of Black Collegians (LBC)! My name is Taylar Warren, and I currently serve as chair for the 2019 conference. Thank you for taking time to browse the site and learn more about the conference.

Since 1977, the Big XII Council has been dedicated to the advancement of its leaders, constituents and black students nationwide. The Council was created when Black students from schools in the Big Eight Conference came together in recognition that they were suffering from similar problems at their respective institutions. The following year, students at the University of Missouri formally created the Big Eight Council and Conference on Black Student Government. In 1997, the Big Eight Conference expanded to include four Texas institutions, forming the new Big XII Conference. The Big Eight Council on Black Student Government officially changed its name to the Big XII Council on Black Student Government and inducted the four Texas schools into the structure of the organization. Each year, an institute member of the council hosts the annual conference.

My fellow LBC members are extremely excited to host over 500 student leaders on the University of Missouri campus. This year’s theme is “Leadership Reloaded: Expanding Our Vision, Redefining Our Purpose.” Our goal is to hone in on The Council’s core values and redefine what it means to be a brilliant, bold, black, student leader. We are preparing for an educational weekend, geared toward expanding the original vision of The Council. It is our hope that conference participants will leave restored, renewed, and ignited with passion to fuel our efforts for change.

On behalf of LBC, I invite you to the 42nd Annual Big XII Conference on Black Student Government, scheduled for Feb. 21-24, 2019.



Taylar Victoria Warren

2019 Conference Chair