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42nd Annual Big XII Conference on Black Student Government
Leadership Reloaded – Redefining Our Purpose, Expanding Our Vision
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[su_service title=”Welcome” icon=”https://lbc.missouri.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/welcome.png” icon_color=”#efcb2c” size=”48″]We are excited to welcome representatives from the University of Missouri, the University of Oklahoma, Kansas State University, Iowa State University, Oklahoma State University, the University of Kansas, Baylor University, The University of Texas, and Texas Tech University.[/su_service]
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[su_service title=”Register” icon=”https://lbc.missouri.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/registericonpatrol-300×300.png” icon_color=”#efcb2c” size=”48″]Register Now for the Big XII conference on Black Student Government. Be a part of something special and join some of the finest black student leaders in the country for an experience like none other. Click the button and register.
[su_button url=”https://www.cvent.com/events/big-xii-conference-on-black-student-government/registration-ad4a6a098ed64b4595c7e99122bb0c7f.aspx?fqp=true” target=”blank” background=”#F0C30E” size=”5″ icon=”icon: pencil-square-o”]Click to Register[/su_button]
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[su_service title=”Mission” icon=”https://lbc.missouri.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/star-icon.png” icon_color=”#efcb2c” size=”48″]We, the Big XII Council On Black Student Government, commit to uplift and empower our community through leadership, academic excellence, spirituality and political action to enhance our Black legacy.[/su_service]
[su_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9yDsGdjRvI” width=”600″ height=”400″]
History of the Conference
The council was created in 1977 when Black students from all the schools in the Big Eight Conference came together in recognition that they were suffering from similar problems at their respective institutions. The next year, the University of Missouri students formally created the Big Eight Council and Conference on Black Student Government. In 1997, the Big Eight Conference was expanded to include four Texas institutions forming the new Big XII Conference. The Big Eight Council on Black Student Government officially changed their name to the Big XII Council on Black Student Government and included the four Texas schools into the structure of the organization. Each year, an institute member of the Big XII Council on Black Student Government hosts the Annual Big XII Conference on Black Student Government.